First I have to state that I am not writing this to piss people off.  That said here we go.

In the United States we have tons of illegal immigrants.  Its just a fact of life here.  Now I do not believe that all of them need to be just given citizenship or even a visa, but I do think that some should.  I used to be very against giving any of them anything but a trip home, but then my sister fell in love.  My brother-in-law is illegal, but he works his ass off to be productive and he made sure he learned English so that he could communicate with everyone.  He does more to be productive in our society than many citizens I know.  He has even said that he think that the illegals who “work” the system to get free everything should be deported and those who go in and out of jail.

I share that belief.  I had a neighbor at one time that was an illegal from Guatemala and I swear he spent more time in jail for drunk and disorderly than he did in his own home.  Those kinds of individuals do not need to be here.  Also I do not think that those who are here solely to send money back to their country should be here.  I understand sending money back to help your family, but instead why not bring your family here.

And that brings me to my next type.  The illegal who moves here but has a wife back home.  That is fine and dandy, but don’t date someone here if you have a wife back home.  My Tio is just like that.  He has a wife in Mexico and send most of his money back home to work on his house down there.  Yet here in Texas he lives with my Tia acts like they are man and wife, but doesn’t hardly support her.  Yes I know part of the blame is on her, but as everyone knows you can not choose who you love.  It makes me feel like the men and even a few women who do this just want to take advantage of people over here so they don’t have to spend any more money than necessary so they can send more back.

In closing remember that all of us here in the Americas are technically here illegally, with the exception of the 100% Native Americans.  Our forefathers stole the land and lied to the Natives.  Being half-Native I like think I am only half-illegal. 🙂

About kristhemom

I am a Texan, through and through. I love critters, and my kids. I just tell it how it is, either like it or go away.

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