I have a VERY dear friend, one I have not had the chance to meet in person yet.  She is my family, even though I have never met her.  She is my beautiful sister.  She has no idea how much she means to me, and that I think about her daily even if I don’t get to talk to her daily, weekly, or even monthly sometimes.  She is more important to me than some people I have known my whole life.  This is the story of how I wish she saw herself everyday.

When I first “met” her, you know how we do now days on social media, I was so jealous.  There was no end to how jealous I was.  First she was a friend of my then boyfriend, and since he was a long distance love (tip: long distance doesn’t work) she got to see him all the time and I didn’t.  Second, in every picture of her I was drawn to how beautiful her smile and eyes are.  Thirdly, she had CURVES.  I mean I am not a stick figure, but I have a somewhat flat chest and hardly any butt.  To me she was so pretty and I knew I would lose him to her, so I decided to make her my friend.

I learned really quickly that she would never do that kind of thing to anyone.  My far sister is a sweet soul.  The sad thing to this that made me even more jealous at first.  I mean she was beautiful inside and out, and here I am 2000 miles away from my boyfriend and she is there and I am so-so looking and I don’t feel beautiful inside.  The more she and I talked and communicated, the more I learned that I am beautiful on the inside, which caused me to realize I am beautiful on the outside too.  Her inner beauty helped me see beauty in myself, and that is a gift I can NEVER repay.

Now to most of society, she was considered overweight.  To me she was all beauty and this was before I even knew her.  Well time goes on, and the boyfriend I had left me… There she was talking to me on the phone telling me that he wasn’t worth me being this upset over.  She was there for me, even while she was fighting a battle I knew nothing about.

Fast forward just a little… I find out all the weight she had been losing was being lost the wrong way.  My beautiful sister has an eating disorder.  This breaks my heart.  She is my rock, my long distance savior.  It hurt so bad to think that she didn’t see her beauty.  I wished (and still do) that she could see herself the way I do.  I wanted her to see how her smile could be mischievous and sweet all at the same time, and how her eyes seem to glimmer in the photos.  I wanted her to see how pretty her skin is, how she could light up a room.  I felt like I didn’t do enough for my sister.

Well she went a rehab, and is doing much better now.  But still some pictures and some people bring her body image back down in her eyes.  I want her to know now and everyday, “YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL.”  I want everyone to know that they are beautiful, the beauty is there and someone sees it, even if we can’t make you see it.  Know that even if you are skinny, fat, slim, chunky, or whatever stupid box society thinks you belong in you are beautiful.

If you think you need to lose weight, do it the right way and remember the only reason to lose weight is if it medically necessary.   If your weight is making your knees hurt and it bothers you then do it the right way, or if you are diabetic, or whatever medical issue you have is.  Do not lose weight because some boy or some girl told you to, or society told you that you are overweight.  Don’t gain weight for the same reasons.  Remember the lesson of my BEAUTIFUL sister.  Everyone is beautiful in their own way and someone sees it in you.  ❤

About kristhemom

I am a Texan, through and through. I love critters, and my kids. I just tell it how it is, either like it or go away.

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